  • Memelcarp
  • Memelcarp
  • Memelcarp
  • Memelcarp

SALAMANDER Salamander Fish 3.0 Rod Pod 4-5 Rods Black/Orange Joints

Код продукта: SALBLACKORANGEПроизводитель: SALAMANDER720.00 €
Made entirely of aluminum.

Very versatile, stable and lightweight. Equipped with a double, extendable horizontal tube to accommodate even the longest rods available on the market.

THREE TELESCOPIC LEGS with nylon sliding sleeve, knurling retaining ring, with two opening positions (15 and 45 degrees).

The rear leg is aligned with the main and front pipes at a 90 ° angle.


The special support angle allows for increased light on the ground and improved stability at the front.

Available in different colors.

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