  • Memelcarp

KORDA Marker Leads 3oz/4oz 2pcs

Код продукта: ML2Производитель: KORDA7.00 €

Pronged Marker Lead

- Mixed pack of 2oz & 3oz OR 3oz & 4oz
- Uncoated to increase sensitivity
- Pronged to not only provide the most senstive feedback possible but also retract some of the weed
- Great casting qualities

The sensitivity of the feedback from the pronged lead allows you to identify clear areas in sparse weed to the point where you can pinpoint exactly where the clear spots begin and end.

The original probe lead remains an integral part of our range as it’s ideal for skipping the marker lead through the weed whereas the pronged lead would snarl up quite quickly. The pronged lead is for finding small differences to fine tune how you approach your spot. 

It’s not just about fishing weed effectively, the tremors produced by the pronged marker lead are far greater than a standard probe lead helped again by the fact that we purposely make them without a coating which cushions the lead and dampens feedback. Such sensitivity allows an angler to identify the finer differences and smaller details in gravel and silt too! You can now highlight the spots which transition from rough gravel to tiny pea shingle gravel or even from gravel to sand, you’ll instantly feel the difference down the rod. From thin weed, changes in gravel or finding small hard spots in silt which can be otherwise tough to find, this is the lead for you.

The weights available are 2,3 & 4oz. The lightest one combined with a smaller marker float is perfect for fishing close in for example, in a small bay to avoid disturbing the swim too much. The 4oz lead is great for fishing big waters especially if you’re fishing into the wind or combating crosswinds and the 3oz is a great all rounder for the ‘normal’ fishing conditions an angler is faced with.

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