  • Memelcarp

DEEPER Smart Pro+, Wifi+ GPS

Код продукта: DP1H10S10Производитель: DEEPER249.00 €
  • Wi-Fi connected wireless, castable, portable smart fishfinder; NO Internet or Cellular data required! Compatible with iOS and Android
  • Perfect tool for all styles of fishing: shore-, ice-, bank-, boat-, kayak-, river-, float tube fishing; operating on Fresh water and Salt water
  • The only portable sonar on the market with GPS enabled onshore bathymetric mapping feature! Create your map and analyze it on your PC via Lakebook
  • The best connection range of portable sonar on the market – 330ft! Mark anything up to 0.5in sized bodies in a water up to depth of 260ft
  • Shore and boat anglers who need all mapping functions plus enhanced casting range and accuracy
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