
CC MOORE Liqued Tuna L030 500ml

Код продукта: 92610Производитель: CCMOОRE19.50 €

After several years of absence we are excited to be able to say that the legendary 'L030' fish protein is reborn.....

Made famous in the early 2000s by top anglers and bait companies who recognised and capitalised on its incredible fish-attracting powers as a boilie ingredient, liquid food and bait soak, L030 (Marine Paste/Marine Amino Compound) quickly earned a reputation as one of the most successful liquids ever used in the production of carp and coarse fish baits.

Following EU-driven food industry legislation, this universally revered bait liquid had to be discontinued by the producer, after which the producers of L030 strived to supply its customers with a comparable alternative which could be processed within the rules laid down- an exercise which resulted in several false dawns that saw CC Moore receive and evaluate samples of liquids that just didn't match up to the original product in terms of taste, aroma, solubility, viscosity or nutrient profile..... But in early 2015, that all changed and the huge void was filled by this outstanding new product.

Supplied by the producer of the original L030, this highly attractive, nutrient-rich liquid food is a soluble fish protein extract that is derived wholly from pure Tuna meat meaning it is not only comparable to the original L030 product in terms of salts, protein, amino acids etc. but it also boasts the phenomenal taste, aroma and omega oils associated with Tuna products that makes them so attractive.

Being hydrolysed and of pure fish origin, Tuna L030 has a deep, yeasty, fishy taste and aroma and a high salt content that represents another effective source of year round attraction for appetite-satisfying and nutrient-seeking fish (e.g. pre and post spawning and during periods of natural food depletion).

Tuna L030 has a protein content in excess of 50%, which, due to natural water content is extremely rare for liquid products, and supplies an abundance of all the essential amino acids required by carp and coarse fish.

Tuna L030 is made from pure tuna protein that is hydrolysed to increase its digestibility ensuring it's highly soluble and easily utilised by fish in all water temperatures- a vital attribute which makes it so potent as a year round feeding stimulant.

Tuna L030 does not contain any added water, thinners, preservatives or other products that may reduce its concentration and potency; it is thick, dense, naturally preserved in its own salt content and, as you can tell by its protein content is 100% pure.

Moore means more..... Don't settle for anything less!

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